Local Business vs Local business

On the template page Templates // Baserow

there is a category Local Business and Local business. I think they should be merged. :wink:

Hello @Peter! Probably some of the category names are mixed up, we’ll check this. Thanks for pointing it out :raised_hands:

It seems it is still not fixed :wink:

A number of templates don’t have icons in front of them. Should there always be an icon?

Hey @Peter, yeah, this should be fixed. These are minor things, and we never prioritize them high but I’ll check if we have open issues on Gitlab to speed up this fixes. :sweat_smile:

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These minor things have been on our radar for a bit, but sometimes they slip through the cracks as we focus on the bigger features. :hammer_and_wrench:

The category discrepancy is a quick fix, and the icon disappearing is happening because of some FontAwesome incompatibility. Should also be a straightforward fix.

@olgatrykush good call on the GitLab issues. Since they’re small fixes, I imagine we should be able to squeeze them into the next release.

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