Logic for transforming text inputs or dropdowns into hidden forms


It would be fantastic to have functionality that can transform a text input or dropdown menu into a hidden form under certain conditions.

For instance, in complex forms, there are cases where a dropdown menu might contain only a single option. In such situations, the dropdown doesn’t serve much purpose and could be hidden for simplicity and improved user experience.

Do you think implementing such a feature might be possible?


Hi @petitalb! Thanks for sharing your idea. The Application Builder team will review it. :blush:

Hey @petitalb

We have this feature in the roadmap Add complex conditions to element visibility tab (#2472) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab

With that (and advanced formulas that are also coming) we should be able to hide a form value when the count of option is lower that a certain value for instance. That should solve your problem.