Max Webhooks exceeded - Why is there a Webhooks Limit?

It seems we reached the limit of permitted webhooks per Table.

I don’t see really a reason why there needs to be a limit on the number of permitted webhooks. The idea here is to connect our database tables with various workflows. Therefore, I think there should be no limit on the number of webhooks or the limit should be set much higher.

Also see this issue here,

we would still need more granular control when webhooks will be triggered. E.g. we would like that a webhook is only be triggered if

Rows Updated, then a specified column is set to an exactly defined value. (Equal to Argument). At the moment too many webhooks are triggered unnecessarily since we have a column action in our table that triggers various workflows.

Hello @artoflogic,

the reason is to limit the number of calls that can be automatically triggered by a new event. Without limits, this could easily exhaust all server resources by creating tens of thousands of webhooks for every single change. If you are self-hosting Baserow, you can adjust the maximum number of webhooks using the environment variable BASEROW_WEBHOOKS_MAX_PER_TABLE.

we would still need more granular control when webhooks will be triggered. E.g. we would like that a webhook is only be triggered if Rows Updated, then a specified column is set to an exactly defined value

This is a great feature suggestion, but it’s not currently on our roadmap. Would you mind sharing your idea in the Feature Ideas section? The more votes it gathers, the higher the chance we can prioritize it in the future. Thank you!