πŸ‘‹ Meet our new DevRel!

Hello community!

Today I’m glad to announce that @kissu joined the Baserow team as a Developer Relations, who will be advocating and growing the developer community :technologist:

To get you all acquainted with Konstantin, we asked him to answer these questions:

β†’ What is your background and tech stack?

Worked with Ruby on Rails, fall in love with Vue then Nuxt. Was a matter of finding cool/creative things to try out then. :+1:t2:

β†’ Why DevRel position?

I love helping people, I was doing that daily on top of my regular frontend consultant 9-5 role, so I thought that I could do just more of it! :muscle:t2:
For me, it’s a great mix of being an expert, being there for the community, and getting to know a specific product at your fingertips!

β†’ What are your favorite developer tools?

I really love what antfu is doing, the work of the Nuxt team (UnJS), all the cool ecosystem that you can find in Linux regarding endless customization (AwesomeWM, Tmux, Dmenu etc…). Otherwise, VScode is the best. :green_heart:

β†’ Which platforms do you like to hang out on?

Depends for what, for work I’d say definitely Twitter (not sure if Discord/YouTube are a valid platform for that question). Otherwise, LinkedIn + Reddit are also a close second. May be Mastodon at some point. :ok_hand:t2:

β†’ What do you like the most about Baserow?

I learned development in a non-so friendly way by going all-in: C, Java, and Assembler. No shortcuts.
Found Web more fun then!

Baserow? It allows people who are not tech - or just don’t want to have a career there - to still be successful and craft things!
So even if I may recommend taking the old-school path for a dev career, I really enjoy the fact that a tool can be open to the biggest crowd, and no-code is a great opportunity in which Baserow blends nicely!

Folks, if you have any other questions β€” feel free to ask them! Now let’s give a warm welcome to Konstantin in the comments :point_down:


Welcome @kissu :+1: :grinning:


Thanks @Peter. :sparkling_heart:

As said above: if you need any details/questions/feedback, feel free to reach out at any time! :hugs:

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Welcome @kissu :wave:

It is great to see that people with a programming background are open to start with no-coding tools :+1:

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Welcome ! Allow me to share a few thoughts on what I think Baserow is doing right on the developer relations front.
I’ve said it before, the open nature of Baserow almost guarantees it’ll dominate in the future. A massive community will form around Baserow, the same way it has happened for Anki.
Here’s another thing I want to highlight: backend/src/baserow/contrib/database/fields/registries.py Β· develop Β· Bram Wiepjes / baserow Β· GitLab
look at the quality of comments above each method in the FieldType class. If Baserow maintains this level of developer friendliness, I see no obstacle to it becoming the single biggest no-code tool in existence.

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@frederikdc yeah, that would be quite a new thing for me. Not fully leaving coding still, just being on both ends. :hugs:

@lucw thanks for the kind words, I’m happy to see that you believe that much into Baserow! :rocket:
Code quality is a big thing on our side, we will try to keep it while seeing how we could get more open source contributions in an efficient way so people do not discouraged if their code request doesn’t meet the codebase standards.

Nice to e-meet you @kissu, I look forward to chatting with you :raised_hands:

Nice meeting you @joffcom, thanks! :hugs:

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