Missing subdomain hosting option

Hi there, i’m new to Baserow and have built an application to host a couple of tables of data to share online with some explanation and pictures - this is now complete and I am trying to host using the subdomain of Baserow, but the option is missing - it only lists custom domain. Any ideas please?

Hi there @Lewis, welcome to the forums.

Please follow these steps:

Select the 3 dots to the right of your app’s name and select settings from this menu

Select the Domains options from this new dialogue box and then click Add domain

From there, you should have a dropdown menu alreayd prefilled with “Custom domain”. Clicking on this will bring down the dropdown that has the option for “Subdomain of baserow.site”. Select this option.

You can then type the name you want to use as the subdomain and then hit the Create button.

Many thanks for this - i’ve tried these steps, but I don’t have the option for subdomain, only custom domain. Any ideas?

I presume then that you are running Baserow locally and not using our cloud version?

Likely then that you have not set BASEROW_BUILDER_DOMAINS in your .env file. This would result the option for a subdomain type not being visible. You can read more on how to configure your Baserow here: Configuring Baserow // Baserow