Module search record

I would like to perform a search based on the email. Is there a “search record” module or a similar module in Baserow that works with Make?

@frederikdc could you please help with this question about the Make integration?

Hi @Farah ,

Baserow has block Make an API Call that allows you to do any search using the Baserow API. However, this only works if you are using the SaaS version ( instead of self-hosting.

Once you have a connection with the block, you need to fill in the URL. In your case, you want to filter on the e-mail address field of a table. So, the URL will be: /api/database/rows/table/[id_of_your_table]/

Next, you need to set the Query String parameter to filter based on the e-mail address. The key will be filter__field_[id_of_the_field]__equal. The value will be the e-mail address you are looking for.

You can check the API docs for each database by clicking the three dots next to a database in Baserow and selecting View API Docs. This shows you all the possibilities for API calls