Network errors with baserow today?

My team is getting timed out logging in to the Baserow cloud instance I’m trialing for my company as well as the public website. Persistent across multiple machines, browsers, connections, & locations; this doesn’t appear unique to us, the whole website is down. A request will occasionally go through but we’re largely seeing 504 and 500 errors across the board.

I see no communication about this on Baserow’s twitter, gitlab, gitter… has anyone received any updates or information?

Thank you

Update: Baserow has been performing normally for a while now. :slight_smile:

We still hope to see some communication as to what happened. We love Baserow but it is hard to trust with production business processes without some clarity here.

Hi @d8m, I’m sorry you experienced problems with the hosted version of Baserow and that we couldn’t respond any sooner. Our development team is located in Europe, and it was the middle of the night for us.

Our monitoring system has also logged some downtime for almost an hour in total. I’ve checked the usage logs, but it all stayed well within the limits. Our hosting provider hasn’t mentioned any problems or (un)scheduled downtime.

We’re going to investigate our logs further. We could have been receiving more than 100 simultaneous requests. That’s currently the maximum we can handle on, resulting in certain requests being delayed. It would explain why some of your requests would go through and others timed out.

I’ll try to post more information later today.

Thanks for the update Bram! Too many requests that sounds like a great problem to have :smiley:
For your troubleshooting, we are seeing unresponsiveness for the past half hour. This was our first login with baserow for the day, can’t speak to whether it was better/worse/the same for other times.

I’m already on it. A single user is making more than 150 requests per second right now.

All should now work as expected again. I’ve blocked certain paths for now, so the system is accessible for other users again.


We’re soon going to improve our rate-limiting system on to avoid situations like this.

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