Pass row_id() for use with data filter

I have a page in my application that tabulates a summary of database rows. Included in the tabulation is a button.

I would like to configure the button to redirect to another page in my application and pass the row_id to the target page. In this example I have configured the row_id as a parameter.

On the target page I would like to access the URL parameter so I can filter the data by the specific row_id.

However, I cannot configure either the Row ID or the Filter to recognise the URL parameter. The App Builder only presents the default user fields from which to filter.

Any help is greatly apprciated.

Hi Thorby, welcome to the forum!

The way you are passing the parameter using row= is not a recognised method. The only way to pass page aprameters right now is by setting up that parameter in the page settings by adding a : character followed by the parameter name so in your example, it would be job-form/:id then you could choose whether this parameter is a number ot text, and in your case, it would be a number for the row id.

You can see an exmaple of this in our video on making a Details page for an app.

Many thanks, this works like a dream.

Now you have pointed me in the direction of the application builder youtube channel I’m sure many other questions will be answered.