Placeholder texts on published pages

Hi there,

In Application Builder, when a field is empty, the placeholder ‘Empty text’ or ‘No title’ is shown.
This is however also visible on the published app.

As a field can be intentionally empty, shouldn’t placeholder text be ‘hidden’ in published apps/pages?


Hey @DavidCeulemans, forwarding this to the Application Builder team. We’ll get back to you on this.

I think it should, at least that will be the our first fix Hide empty value fallback in published site (#2916) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab

Thanks for reporting it.

In the meantime, may be a workaround could be to add a space at the end of the formula for these fields so the values are never really empty, what do you think?

hi Jrmi,

I don’t think I have any empty fields myself, but I reported it, as it was something I noticed.
While not very ‘elegant’, adding a space is indeed a valid workaround.
