Prefilling works great on forms. I need this feature on AppBuilder’s loginForm.
I am creating simple system for my clients for reading paid conent.
Those people are able to open the link ( sent via email or SMS ) but more complicated stuff (loginform) is too hard. Really. Sounds strange, i know.
I want to be able to prefill loginForm in published website.
It’s currently not possible. We could do something to allow login form prefilling but I’d like to know what is your goal?
May be as a temporary workaround you can create non guessable link (using an uuid column somewhere) and use this uuid as page parameter to generate a personnal download page instead or something similar?
If you really want people to get loggued in, we can also provide a way to generate magic login links or something similar, what do you think?
Goal is to simplify login process as much as possible for non-tech people to access paid content.
Those users usually don’t have even email address. I create for them email address in my domain. All of them have phone number.
It is very likely they will be clicking link only once to access paid content during visit in my company.
When they are at home they should only click on icon on mobile phone and it should bring them to proper place.
Magic link sounds like best solution for this.
Magic link should be only used once and expires in 1 year.
Yeah totally. Magic links are in the roadmap (but not really soon, I’m afraid).
In the meantime, what do you think about my “manual” magic link idea. You don’t even have to create an account for the user. When a user buy your product, you can add a record into a table with an UUID, the phone number/email of the user, an expiration date and all necessary information (Link to the actual content to download may be?).
Then you create a page that has as text page parameter for the UUID and you add a data source that fetch the record with this UUID (don’t specify the row_id and add a filter. The first matching row will be returned). You can also add a filter for expiration date bigger than today to make this link temporary.
Finally you can send the email with the url of the page and the UUID to the user.
Let me know if you need more details about it.