Published app shows "Please stand by while configuration is in progress." for two days

I try to publish an app from an hosted instance.
Created the cname and pressed publish in the app builder interface.
When I go to the url i get “Please stand by while configuration is in progress.”
This message is there for two days now. What do I have to do next?

Hey @robdegraaf,

How do you host your instance? This is probably related to the SSL generation. May be the instance doesn’t have the right access to generate the certificate. Depending on the installation you chose, you may need to follow extra steps to get that working.

Hi jrmi, I use the cloud Baserow hosted by

Yeah sorry, I believed it was a hosted instance.

Could you try to publish it under a subdomain of and tell me if it works properly?

And could you also try with another subdomain of your custom domain?

When I publish to and I open the site I get: page not found message from baserow.

Could you try with a brand new small appllication and if it doesn’t work could you share this application with me?

I tried to publish a new created app from a template. That worked fine.
But only when I publish to a test domain.

Ok so you have:

First website:

  • Publish with custom domain doesn’t work
  • Publish with doesn’t work

Second website:

  • Publish with custom domain doesn’t work
  • Publish with works

Could you share (privately if you want with PM) with me the configuration of your DNS?