

Congrats for this great product!

What would be the best approach for building reports/dashboards based on baserow?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
João Moreira

If you are self-hosting baserow against a Postgres you control, I suggest you check out

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HI João, welcome to the Baserow community! I agree with @singpolyma that, if you self host, metabase is a good solution! It’s unfortunately not yet possible to do this directly in Baserow, although that could change in the future.

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Hi Bram,

I have been following for quite some time. Do you have timeline for similar page designer functionality (like in Airtable or SeaTable)?


Hi @elysium27, welcome to the Baserow community. A page designer is something that we want to build in the future, but we don’t have a timeline for it yet. It might be something we will focus on the second half of this year.

Hallo Do you have any new plans to build this functionality ? I am evaluating Baserow for our company and possibility to do reports like with Airtable Page designer is critical to our office.



Hi @chowluca, this is something that we want to implement, but we don’t have a timeline for it at the moment. We are working on an application builder that allows you to build custom reports in a web format instead of PDF. An early beta of that will be launched in January.