Strange behaviour when using when_empty

In my table I have these 3 fields:
Default Pattern - Returns text based on another field.
Custom Pattern - Text field for manual input.
Pattern - Using when_empty() Returns Default Pattern if Custom Pattern is blank, otherwise returns Custom Pattern.

When a custom pattern is present, the Pattern field always correctly shows it instead of the default pattern.

However for some cells only nothing is returned when there is no custom pattern. In this case the default pattern should be returned. It seems this problem only occurs for rows that have been added after a certain date.

I have added another two other fields for testing purposes to check whether Custom Pattern and Default Pattern are blank. These fields return the expected output.

Illustrative screenshot:
The blue rectangles cover cells with text.

I am running Baserow 1.26.1, self hosted.


Hey @beached, we’re checking your case. Could you please share the formula you’re using in the field Pattern For Google?

I now have the desired functionality using this formula:
if(isblank(field(‘Custom Pattern’)), field(‘Default Pattern’), field(‘Custom Pattern’))

The previous formula was:
when_empty(field(‘Custom Pattern’),field(‘Default Pattern’))

Hey @beached, cool! That’s actually the formula we were about to advise you to use. Here’s the issue to make when_empty work with empty string values: when_empty does not work with empty string values (#3027) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab

Thanks for pointing our attention to this.