Switch between multiple Baserow accounts

Hi guys,

I would like to contribute to this topic with an interesting idea. I think this feature is about switching Baserow accounts. For example, Gmail (client email) has the following feature: [Switch between multiple Google accounts](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/2405894?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid), see this:

“If you have more than one Google Account, you can sign in to multiple accounts at once. That way, you can switch between accounts without signing out and back in again.”

I think the workspaces in Baserow feature would actually be this feature: “Switching Baserow accounts”. I think about it as it is related to that context.

an idea:

“All you need to do is swipe upward on your profile icon at the top-right corner to switch to the next account in the list . You can also swipe downward to access the last account in the list, or simply move back to the previous account after switching.”

But, I think this should be something external to the profile like Gmail. This would be similar to what is being described here too.

In theory if the user has a Baserow account in an organizational sense, where there is sharing certain information with the members. It would make sense to have that kind of feature. The initial advantage of this is that you would not need to login again with the email, but just enter the password.

Hey @anon59363363, I created a new topic for this request, so it’s easier to navigate.

We’ll discuss this request with the team. :ok_hand:

Hello @anon59363363, thank you for sharing this feature idea. We have accepted it, and we will add the ability to switch between accounts in Baserow (it’s a low priority though). :raised_hands:

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