I have set up my Synology self host Baserow with Portainer and docker. Users can signup to Baserow. However, I just cannot get any invitation email to sent out to invite member . Can someone shad some lights on the environment below?
docker run
–name baserow
-e BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL=https://www.yourdomain.com
-e EMAIL_SMTP_HOST=smtp.gmail.com
-e EMAIL_SMTP_USER=myuserid@gmail.com
-v baserow_data:/baserow/data
-p 80:80
-p 443:443
–restart unless
–restart unless-stopped
I tired port 465 with
Your settings look correct and fine to me. Could you attempt to follow the instructions from this post and let me know how it goes? Issues sending emails - #9 by nigel
to install in Synology NAS. Unfortunately I do not have shell and programming background knowledge to follow the instruction. I hope oneday someone write another tutorial setting up SMTP with Synology NAS baserow installation.
Fixed. After serval attempts, I finally get it to work with my web hosting company’s smtp host, instead of using google smtp. In the log, I could see Google smtp will disconnect with SSL and TLS. However, It appears that Baserow smtplib.SMTP() needs TLS enable with port set to 587. I am not able to get SSL port 465 to work .