The Baserow May Community Digest is here! ✨

Hey there! Let’s catch up on all the exciting things that have been happening at Baserow over the past month.

Community spotlight

Cool new things our community created:

→ The Udemy course on how to create applications and databases with Baserow is now available in English. Big kudos to Farès MOKHTARI!

→ [French] Check out this review on Baserow update 1.25 from our Ambassador, Raphael Scotto DI perta.

→ Check out this new Baserow vs. Airtable review by Dan Leeman.

→ Learn to unleash student-led learning with Baserow by Cathy Brown.

→ [French] Create a platform for an educational establishment with Weweb x Baserow [part 1] from our Ambassador, Raphael Scotto DI perta.

Build a code screenshot generator using OpenAI + + @baserow APIs, a side project from @joseph_appsmith.

→ [Portuguese] Discover how AI Chatbot with n8n + LangChain can be integrated with Baserow :robot:. From @claudiobalbino.

Meet new members

This month, we’re highlighting some of our newest community members:

@spook, @avviodigital, @brandondasilva, @cecizu, @bluegreeno, @hslee, @Sterfield, @dylanblaze, @jmvandamme, @johnwu, @danielrosehill, @artuselias, @Node815, @yud1z, @martinshein, @Angelina, @kji96 — we appreciate your engagement, and we’re thrilled to have you as a part of our community!

News and announcements from the team

Get to know Baserow AI:

:robot: Learn how generate formulas with AI in Baserow
:hammer_and_wrench: Learn how to enable and configure the AI field in Baserow
:key: Learn how to use your own OpenAI API key

This is just the beginning! There are so many exciting AI features on the horizon. :magic_wand:

Application Builder templates

Check out Application Builder in action and learn how to create interfaces for your data stored in Baserow:

Quality of life Database updates

The 1.25 release contains a lot of big features, but make sure you haven’t missed any smaller ‘quality of life’ updates:

  • Support for multiplication and division operations in the duration field type
  • Support for footer aggregations in public grid views
  • Footer aggregations support for “Last Modified By” and “Created By” fields
  • Support for pre-filling both “Field Name” and “Displayed Name” in forms
  • Automatic population of fields for the Form element in the Application Builder
  • Ability to set the Favicon in the Application Builder

For all changes, including bug fixes, check out the changelog.

Upcoming events

You’re invited! Join our webinars in June:

Database Builder 101: How to create databases with Baserow on the 4th of June, 2024.

Application Builder 101: How to create applications with Baserow on the 11th of June, 2024.

Register now!

New Database Builder videos

:white_check_mark: How to use computed fields in Baserow
:white_check_mark: How to customize views in Baserow
:white_check_mark: How to view activity logs in Baserow
:white_check_mark: How to create a calendar view in Baserow

Our resource library continues to grow. Now, all video tutorials are also available on the Baserow website: Videos - Learn with video tutorials for all skill levels // Baserow

Digital Construction Week

On June 5-6th, the Baserow team will be attending Digital Construction Week at ExCeL London.

Register here to get a free ticket. If you attend, be sure to stop by and say hi!

Baserow off-site

Two weeks ago, our team gathered in Lisbon. It was a few days filled with fun activities and business sessions. :blue_heart:

New team members

We have a new team member! Please welcome @cwinhall, who has joined us as a Baserow Specialist. One of Colin’s first responsibilities is developing the Baserow Academy. :eyes::mortar_board:

Baserow is hiring! Check our openings.

Coming soon!

The next big features on the roadmap include a timeline view, file support for the AI field, and additional styling options for the Application Builder. Stay tuned for more details! :rocket:

Other useful resources to check out:

:zap: How to build a CRUD app with Baserow and UI Bakery
:zap: How to create a ticket support system with Baserow and DronaHQ
:zap: 14 best database app builders for 2024
:zap: 20 essential Baserow functions to master your data
:zap: How to automate task management with dynamic Baserow formulas
:zap: How to populate a multiple select field in Baserow with Make automation
:zap: 10 best healthcare project management software for today’s needs
:zap: How to optimize your workflow with row IDs in Baserow
:zap: How to enable and configure the AI field in Baserow
:zap: How to use AI to generate formulas in Baserow

What did you think of our new newsletter? What other topics would you like to see highlighted?

Thanks for reading!

Warm regards,