Time ago / time since formula example for Baserow (aka relative dates)

Our brains seems to process that a piece of info was created “3 years ago” or “2 months ago” or “14 hours ago” (relative dates) faster than timestamps. We see this implemented in many feed apps where we are wading through lots of info.

Has anyone figured out a formula to achieve this in Baserow? Given the absence of an output for the current date in Baserow so far it might not yet be possible.

Opening this post just to help others who might be searching for this.

I realize the following thread is related but I think “time ago” is a broader use case than the one requested by the user here so it might deserve its own post:

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Hello @bfranklin! Unfortunately, it seems to be impossible to calculate the time ago/time since, as this needs the NOW() function which is not available in Baserow yet. But, the great news is that we plan to work on this feature very soon (details to come with the new roadmap announcements) :raised_hands: