Unique constraint implementation in base postgres

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Can I implement unique and check constraints in Baserow by creating a postgres instance with these constraints implemented and linking Baserow to this instance (probably with template tables disabled)? Are there any issues I will run into with this approach? Are these issues surmountable or is this an unwise approach and it is better to wait until constraints are implemented (Biggest weakness with Baserow: No Unique Key Contraints - #2 by ddsgad) or look somewhere else?

Hey @cbility, I recommend waiting until the constraints are implements, but we can’t give an exact timeline when this will be done. If you want to have the containts in the meantime, you can self-host Baserow and connect directly to the PostgreSQL. If you find the related PostgreSQL table by opening database_table_{TABLE_ID}, then you can add the constraint to the column. If a row can’t be updated or deleted because of the constraint, then it won’t give a nice error message in Baserow, but it will work.

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