Uploading Image from api

Hi guys. Im using the url file endpoint to upload an image, and then trying to update a row with the “name” output to link the file to a row, but im receiving this error.

ERROR: Bad request - please check your parameters

400 - {“error”:“ERROR_REQUEST_BODY_VALIDATION”,“detail”:{“items”:{“0”:{“field_4630”:{“non_field_errors”:[{“error”:“Expected a list of items but got type "str".”,“code”:“not_a_list”}]}}}}} - ERROR_REQUEST_BODY_VALIDATION

I think the body is supposed to be an object with a url property. Try setting the value to:

{{ {url: $json.name} }}
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Hey. Thank you for your response. with the value you provided i get the following error:
400 - {“error”:“ERROR_REQUEST_BODY_VALIDATION”,“detail”:{“items”:{“0”:{“field_4630”:{“non_field_errors”:[{“error”:“Expected a list of items but got type "dict".”,“code”:“not_a_list”}]}}}}} - ERROR_REQUEST_BODY_VALIDATION

Solved by using the Http node in n8n instead of the default baserow node

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Awesome, glad you got it working! I actually tried the HTTP node first and got it working as well, but then I realized n8n has a native integration for Baserow. I didn’t get a chance to try with using it, but the HTTP node seems to work fine.