UUID Field Type or Formula

Hey Baserowers!!!

I think it would be a great idea to add a UUID field type, or at least, that a uuid could be generated from formulas or in the default text of a field :laughing:

Greetings to all!


Here some info about UUID

Some samples how you could generate uuid version 4 in Excel

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Hellooo @guiolmar :wave:

Thanks for sharing your idea with us, I’ll make sure to discuss it with the team!

@Peter thanks for sending these useful links :eyes:

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Hello @guiolmar, I have great news: after the internal discussion, we decided to implement your suggestion, here is the issue to track the progress: UUID Field Type or Formula (#1463) · Issues · Bram Wiepjes / baserow · GitLab.


Hi @olgatrykush . That sounds great! I am very happy and I will be attentive to the news. Thanks a lot!

Hi Team,

Congratulations on the release of 1.14.

I just wanted to know if UUID was added to this release.

Thanks @rishi :confetti_ball:

No, unfortunately, UUID wasn’t added to this release. The feature was accepted, which means we are going to work on it, but we don’t know yet when we will start. I’ll keep you posted :ok_hand:

Thanks. I’ll follow up later on this.

For the record: this feature request has been accepted and can be followed in Gitlab issue #1463

I’m very attentive to the issue about the creation of a uuid field type :slight_smile: Do you have an idea on the release on which it will be added?
Is there a mean to simulate a uuid with the formula field? I tried some formulas like uuid = row_id() * p + b modulo[n] with n ~ 10⁹ and p and n prime but this is not very convincing.


Hello @asan, unfortunately, we cannot provide you with any estimates. However, all issues on GitLab can now be filtered by weight, which will give you a general understanding of the priority of this feature among all the issues on our GitLab.

Important to mention that weight depends on numerous factors (which we will explain in detail soon), and one of these factors is the number of requests we receive from the community. So it’s great that you and others are voting in this thread and on GitLab. We keep track of all the requests. :raised_hands:

Is there a mean to simulate a uuid with the formula field? I tried some formulas like uuid = row_id() * p + b modulo[n] with n ~ 10⁹ and p and n prime but this is not very convincing.

Let me check this; perhaps my teammates have some ideas.

Hey @asan, getting back to you on this:

Is there a mean to simulate a uuid with the formula field? I tried some formulas like uuid = row_id() * p + b modulo[n] with n ~ 10⁹ and p and n prime but this is not very convincing.

I asked the team, and we do not think there is a way to simulate a UUID value with the formula field at this time. I will keep you posted if there are any updates regarding this issue: UUID Field Type or Formula (#1463) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab. :raised_hands:

Thanks for your answers :slight_smile:
I used the n8n uuid node to generate the uuids and it works perfectly !

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Any news regarding the requested features?

Hey @glarrain-cdd, no news yet. I’ll publish the updates as soon as we have them. :raised_hands:

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Baserow badly needs this asap…

Actually, @bram picked up this issue a few days ago: UUID Field Type or Formula (#1463) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab, and it’s already ready. :slightly_smiling_face:

The UUID field type will be released in Baserow 1.22.


I have seen it! Many thanks for your work :slight_smile:

@olgatrykush This is great news.

I’ve gone quickly over the PR’s code by @bram, and I’m curious why the random UUID (v4) value generation is performed with a custom DB formula instead of just relying on the formula already included in Postgres (gen_random_uuid).

The custom formula is pretty complex and there isn’t any information in the code about where it was obtained from, etc

uuid_in(overlay(overlay(md5(random()::text || ‘:’ || random()::text) placing ‘4’ from 13) placing to_hex(floor(random()*(11-8+1) + 8)::int)::text from 17)::cstring)

Hey @glarrain-cdd, unfortunately, the gen_random_uuid function is only available from PG 13, and Baserow supports PG 11 and up. I’ve got the uuid function from this Stackoverflow question: postgresql - Generating a UUID in Postgres for Insert statement? - Stack Overflow. I’ll add a comment in the code to there.