What Baserow architecture was created and why?

According to the remote storage protocol, there are 3 types of application/software:

1. Traditional Web Apps:

In hosted web stacks such as LAMP, .Net, Ruby on Rails, Django, etc…, the developer hosts the app and data, while the user controls device.

2. No-Backend Web Apps

In 100% client-side apps that use CouchDB, Hoodie, Firebase, Parse, Kinto, etc…, the developer provides the app and data, while user controls the device.

3. Unhosted Web Apps

In 100% client-side apps that use remoteStorage, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc…, the developer provides only the app, while the user controls the device and data.

What Baserow architecture was created and why?

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Hi @anon6366911, I think that Baserow fits 1. Traditional web apps the best. Because we’re open source and because we want it to be possible to self host 100% of Baserow, we’ve chose for this approach. More information about our architecture can be found here: Baserow Technical Introduction // Baserow.