💻 Developers, looking to read something cool? Here are some technical insights and useful links from folks building Baserow!

Hey all, welcome to the first open thread for developers!

We are incredibly thankful for all the tips and tricks you posted and keep posting in the forum. It’s our time to give back, and as we have a pretty big amount of devs in the community, we prepared something specifically for tech-savvy people.

We collected some cool info from the Baserow devs on what they learned while working on the last releases. And keep in mind, the thread is open, so you all can share your discoveries or whatever you think may be interesting, fun, or useful for other devs here.

What we have prepared for the 1st edition:

:one: Overview of new technical features and updates, prepared by @jrmi.
:two: Get inspired by how we developed Single Sign On works, and how to implement a flake8 plugin to check for custom rules from @davide.
:three: Explanation of how to use Baserow’s registry types written by @bram.
:four: Interview with @Alex on how to handle Context Switching.
:five: Useful links to check.
:six: Developer job opportunities at Baserow.

Check out the digest :point_right: Baserow for Developers: January Developer Digest // Baserow.

Now it’s your time: share your insights, struggles, and useful links with the rest of the community in the comments.