🤝 How to get involved with the community?

Baserow Forum is a central place for you to find solutions, connect with like-minded people, share ideas and help shape the future of Baserow.

How can you get involved with Baserow? You get to choose!

First of all, don’t stay silent! Hit the log-in button and talk to us. Make your voice heard by:

You can do anything you feel is right to get more people to know and use Baserow! And we’re ready to support you on any punk-rock idea you may have, even financially for great ideas. Have something in mind? Tell us!

And here are some tips on how to get the most out of the community:

Introducing yourself.

Do not hesitate to introduce yourself to the community: you’re now one of us after all! We are always glad to meet a new kindred spirit.

Asking your burning questions.

What is the community for if not for helping out? If you have faced a challenge, got a question, or simply want someone’s opinion, make sure to hit that ‘new topic’ button.

Engaging with other community members.

Our community is a group of creators who is in the same shoes as you are: using similar tools, and overcoming the same challenges. This is your place to meet the folks, mingle, learn and offer your own solutions.

Sharing tips and helpful workarounds.

Sharing is caring, and we do care about each other here. Do not hold onto your tips, lifehacks, techniques, or workarounds — share, and help each other grow.

Showcasing what you’ve built with Baserow.

Who doesn’t feel inspired by a good success story? Show us what excellence you managed to achieve using Baserow, and become a glowing inspiration to other talents in the community. We will make sure to point out the best stories, and they are guaranteed to reach a wider audience.

Sharing your feedback.

We always enjoy fair criticism and opinions: make sure you let us know your thoughts about our products, community, brand, or anything related. We highly value your feedback, as we do believe our community is brilliant. All suggestions will be viewed and discussed, and, possibly, implemented.

Submitting feature ideas.

We’re in this together: you can directly influence the future development of Baserow, and create a tool that suits your requirements best! Share your ideas on Baserow’s functionality in the community or upvote ideas from others. Together we can make Baserow better!

Joining in on the community activities.

Once you are one of us, you have an exclusive opportunity to jump in on some seriously awesome events: contests, webinars, collaborations, and the list goes on. You will be able to challenge yourself, learn something new, and get new friends along the road. Stay tuned!

Above all else, enjoy your time here!

Hope this is helpful, if you still need help let us know by creating a post or sending a DM to @olgatrykush.

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