Join the brainstorm! What are your thoughts on performing calculations at the FIELD level in Baserow?

Hey community!

We’ve recently received a feature request from @artoflogic: COUNTIF Function, with the idea to make it possible to check how many times a certain value in one column already exists in the Baserow table.

The way the database works, it’s impossible to run formulas at the field level; they only work at the row level. However, for simple field calculations, we have a footer aggregations feature: Footer aggregation // Baserow.

As many spreadsheet users are moving to Baserow, we think a feature allowing more advanced data manipulations at the field level could be useful to many users.

We already have some ideas. For example, we could add formula or filter support to the footer aggregations, allowing users to do more advanced analysis on their data at the field level. But in order to make a decision, we’d like to ask for your input.

Share your thoughts and/or use cases about this topic. We’re excited to hear your ideas! :memo:


Hi @olgatrykush, thank you for picking up on this idea.

I think there could be multiple ways how to approach this. They probably can complement each other.

  1. Offer a set of simple formulas such as COUNTIF to do a range of useful calculations inside Baserow.

  2. Offer a special field type that allows for more advanced calculations similar to excel. Eventually, you might also want to open a Spreadsheet inside one Cell to where you can link to any other Baserow field and to really complex calculations.

  3. Or you could offer an API so other developer can build their own Field Types and bring more features to Baserow.

Just some ideas …


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Hello, I fully support this request feature! I manage a list of community learning members and this would help me a lot to set up statistics such as percentage of people who decides to develop a specific competency or to share a given expertise among others…
Thank you!

Great idea! I would love to see SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, COUNT and have them work on formula fields with different output types such as numbers and duration (especially for my usecase managing billable time across collaborators).

Capture d’écran 2024-11-27 à 15.41.14

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Hey @gabrielle, the team shared that an external contributor has started building this feature: Add Distribution aggregation (!2736) · Merge requests · Baserow / baserow · GitLab. It adds a new “Distribution” aggregation type for certain fields that shows the top ten most common values, including their total count and relative percentage. Would it work for your use case?

Yes! As long as I can do all the existing field summary and the new ones on fields that are in the duration format

Hey @gabrielle, perfect! We’ll release the feature once the contributor finishes it and we complete the code review. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello @olgatrykush, I would like to propose an additional possibility which is to calculate the percentage based on number of unique values in a given column. To illustrate this, I have developed 2 tables:
1/ list of 12 students learning up to 3 languages

2/ list of 8 taugth languages

For each taught language, I would like to know the percentage of students learning this language.
Today, I have to use the hard value of ‘12’ (total number of students) in the percentage calculation as follows: concat(round(multiply(divide(field(‘Total’),12),100),0), ‘%’). What I would like is to be able to use as a variable the unique values (12 here) of number of Students in the second table in order to calculate the percentage without hard coding ‘12’.
I hope this is clear. Let me know if it isn’t.

Many thanks for your help!

Thank you @Xav78, I’ll discuss the idea with the team! :raised_hands:

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