Rollup unique linked fields?

Hi there,

I’d like to do a rollup on a lookup from a linked field so it only displays records that appear once (not each instance. I’d like to find something like ARRAYUNIQUE(values) in Airtable.

Is there a way to achieve that to prevent ugly columns like these?

Thx for your help :slight_smile:


Hey @gabrielle, unfortunately, it’s not currently possible. However, your suggestion to add ARRAYUNIQUE(values) to Baserow is a great idea. I’ve changed the category of your post to ‘Feature Ideas’ and will discuss this request with the team. :ok_hand:

Hello @gabrielle, we are going to add this function: ARRAYUNIQUE(values) function as formula function (#2232) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. :pray:

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Awesome & looking forward! Will you add the other functions available in Airtable but not in Baserow for the Rollup field?

We have plans to add more functions to Baserow. Which ones do you find particularly useful?

Sorry for the late reply! I’d say all these:

But most importantly, they should work on linked fields and lookup fields to be truly useful. Right now, I am quite limited in my use of the roll up function because of that. There are a number of things I can do easily in Airtable that don’t seem to wok in Baserow unfortunately.


Hi @olgatrykush,
Do you have an estimated ETA for these roll up functions?
Thank you :slight_smile:

Hey @gabrielle, apologies for missing your previous message. I’ll discuss the list you shared with the team. :ok_hand:

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Ditto the above - this is the last missing feature within a database table that I need to transition completely from Airtable.

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Hey @gabrielle, we’ve checked the request, and here’s an update.

These three functions are already available in the roll-up field:

  • max
  • min
  • average

As for the rest, we’ve raised the priority of the arrayunique function, so it should be implemented pretty soon. As for the others, we already have formula functions:

  • count
  • concat
  • and
  • or

This means you can use them to get the info you need via the formula field type as a workaround until we have these functions directly available with the roll up field.

To sum up, your feature request has been accepted. We will add all the missing functions, but they are a low priority, except for the arrayunique function. It will be added soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @olgatrykush, do you have an ETA on the roll-up functions we discussed?
Many thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @gabrielle, we can’t provide any ETAs until the feature is started. You can track the progress here: More functions for the rollup field type (#2669) · Issues · Baserow / baserow · GitLab

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I’d like to cast my vote for these functions, particularly, ARRAYUNIQUE. If there was a function to extract only the first or the last element of the array, I could use it too (see also my thread).


Also voting for this. I believe ARRAYUNIQUE is quite popular formula that unfortunately limits Baserow at the moment. I noticed there is no traction in this topic. Has it lost priority or still working on it?

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Also adding my vote especially for ARRAYUNIQUE .

Thank you for your input @Yam, @christos, and @Dae. The ARRAYUNIQUE function is on our list. :slightly_smiling_face:

I would also love a SORT function for arrays. For example, I have a lookup function that can return multiple values which are prefixed by date e.g. 2024-01-03 : Event A, 2025-02-12 : Event B, etc, but the returned array will always be sorted by linked table record id - which is not necessarily the same as chronological order. I’d like to be able to apply lexicographic order here, so that they appear by increasing/decreasing dates.

So for example: sort(lookup('Event', 'Instances'), 'A-Z') or likewise.
(it would also be great to have the ability to similarly be able to sort links to table as well, again to override the default sorting order by record ID)

Got you @Yam. I’ll discuss this request with the team. :raised_hands:

Hey @Yam, this request is accepted too. We’ll start with adding the SORT function to the formulas, and we’re also considering adding sorting for Lookup/Rollup fields themselves, similar to Airtable. What do you think?

Thanks for your reply. I’ve mostly switched to using the lookup or rollup functions directly rather than the native lookup/rollup fields themselves, as they provide the same functionality with extra flexibility. So I’d be happy with having sort as a function for formulae. At least for my personal use cases, it’s unlikely I’d need it for the native fields.

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