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Name: Abbas Gasri
Role: Student at M’sila Univ and Android Apps Dev
Links: Link for the app // Grid Quiz
Description: An Educational app for Students of English that contains PDFs , Notes and other AI tools
Tools: Baserow + Google Firebase + Google Drive + Google Mlkit OCR + Speech Recognizer


Hi @Abbas, I see you are using Kodular to combine everything together.

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We make building custom API flows and integrating with no-code services like BaseRow, Memberstack and Outseta easy. Still, it can be challenging for non-technical users with no background in back-end development to know how to do things and in what order to do them. Abstracting the logic into a pretty UI is only part of the challenge.

With that in mind, we wanted to create a directory of prebuild flows (blueprints) that our users could explore before signing up for our product.

As a bootstrapped startup (2 founders) who had just launched after several years of development, we couldn’t go back to the basement and invest another month or two into developing a directory. So instead, we turned to no-code.

One of our claims is that Alphi lets anyone extend any tech stack, whether code or no-code, so it was the perfect opportunity to not only save time but also showcase how no-code can be plugged into a traditional tech stack.

Where does BaseRow come into this?

Rather than using our application database, we wanted to use an independent database that was easy to manage and scalable—allowing us to iterate quickly without migrations and maintaining an admin UI layer.

BaseRow ticked both boxes; the fact it uses PostgreSQL under the hood with the option to self-host lets me sleep easy.

The final part of the project was hooking up the database to the front-end. As the directory sits on our marketing site (for SEO benefits), we decided to migrate our marketing site over to WeWeb, a no-code website builder that uses Vue under the hood. For the middleware, we used Alphi to fetch, format and cache the data.


Rather than extending our core application, we built an MVP in around five days using BaseRow as the database. A second benefit is that as we expand our team, we can pass management of the directory over to new hires who do not have the technical knowledge to interact with our core tech stack.

In 2023 we plan to add more flows to the directory and convert it into a marketplace where verified users can share their flows with the community.

Disclaimer: The cloning functionality is done within the core application.

  • Tools used: Baserow + WeWeb + Alphi

Name: Luc
Role: I make make software tools to assist with language learning. I have several Anki addons that I maintain, you can read more about it here:
Description: This project, which I call Vocab.Ai, is an online spreadsheet specialized in language-learning. The spreadsheet portion is of course powered by Baserow. My previous project required me to develop a backend (python module + flask API) which unifies a number of cloud language APIs, such as text to speech, translation, transliteration and dictionary lookup. I wanted to make the capabilities of this backend available in an online spreadsheet, this led me to search for online spreadsheet components, and that’s how I found baserow. The logical thing was to connect by backend to Baserow. I started with a fork of Baserow, and later converted by project to a plugin, which makes it MUCH more maintainable. I’m very happy about the plugin system.
Baserow table:
In the screenshot below, the “French Sentences” is the input column, containing french text. The “English Translation” column is automatically generated, either in bulk when the user adds the column, or row by row, as the user enters new text in “French Sentences”. It uses the DeepL translation service, but others are available. All thanks to the the power of custom field types.
You can sign up on the VocabAi baserow instance here:
Video: here’s a tutorial video explaining how to enable Chinese transliteration: Vocab.Ai: how to automatically generate Pinyin from Chinese text - YouTube
Tools used: The main components are of course baserow, and my language processing backend which I call cloud language tools. The code for my plugin is licensed under GPL: GitHub - Language-Tools/baserow-vocabai-plugin: VocabAi - plugin for Baserow database
it’s unfortunately not trivial to deploy, because you need API keys for the various cloud services such as Azure, Google, and those cost money and are not easy to setup. If there’s interest, I could create a “free-only” version of my plugin for those who just want the free services (like Libre Translate translation).


Hi There,

Bit of a late one from me and I was going to post a different project but I am not comfortable with sharing too much of the content yet so here is something new that others may find useful.

1. Your name

2. Your role and what company you work for (optional)
Community Engineer for n8n

3. Link to a Baserow table (view access) or/and a screenshot
Public Gallery View -

4. Short description or a 1–3 minute video overview of your use case
I find that when browsing Github I star a lot of things that I think might be useful or things I want to use as inspiration when looking into something new. I currently have around 460 projects that I want to put into nice categories like community nodes, data visualisation, no / low code, authentication, research and things like that.

What I have done is created an n8n workflow that loops over my starred items then checks Baserow to see if it already exists and from there either updates or adds it to my table. The next step in this would be to add an item to my ToDoist list to remind me to set a tag for the item.

5. Tools you used
Baserow (of course)
ToDoist (in the future)

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Hey @0xJJW, thanks for sharing your project! 2nd link (app link) doesn’t work for me, can you please check it out?

Thank you for the heads up. I included “https://” twice. The link should now work. :slight_smile:

Hey @yashkumar, I cannot open the screenshots you’ve added, can you check out what the problem is about?