Table of DB in baserow Cloud no longer accessible

Describe the problem

Describe, step by step, how to reproduce the error or problem you are encountering.

We have created a DB with multiple tables and a survey on one table A. In this survey table A we use some one Link to another table B. The survey has been running for about 2 weeks. Yesterday I wanted to see the results in A. Every entry from table B should have an answer in survey A. When we created survey A I opted out of the option to create corresponding column in table B. I now chose to do that and create corresponding column in B which contained all survey items of A. Everything seemed fine.

Today the surevy A is no longer functional since it appearantly cannot lookup entries from table B.
I can’t think of anything else that has changed since yesterday.

Link to Survey A: Abfrage Info Displays an Schulen in Ulm // Baserow
The Admin Link Login // Baserow gives me a “view not found”.

I can still access entries of this surveytable A via the entries in this (yesterday) newly created column from table B

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Table Overview:


How many rows in total do you have in your Baserow tables?


Please attach full logs from all of Baserow’s services

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Thanks for your time.

Exporting Table is also not possible.

… and creating a new table is also not possible.

Hi @s.fischer,

today we are performing a scheduled maintanence Details on scheduled maintenance and downtime on June 13 ⚙️

So it is necessary to wait until the maintenance is finished.

Thanks @petrs everything is working again it seems the error was due to the scheduled maintenance