Hey guys,
I am trying out different tools , experimenting the fastest opensource way to make beautiful dashboards without coding using data in baserow.
Any suggestions?
I am giving directus a try. I had a slight look at tooljet, but looks like it needs a lot of coding.
I wish there were tools where you could simply import the rest API to see the data similar to how baserow provides webhooks to push the data. And then, I want to drag and drop charts, select the columns based on which the charts appear. This is my dream tool but I wonder if any such exist.
The analytics dashboard that you have made is cool. It’ll be super powerful if we could integrate your charts with AI to generate it based on natural language queries on the data.
It’ll be super powerful if we could integrate your charts with AI to generate it based on natural language queries on the data.
That could be possible using the ChatGPT API and the right prompt. I’ve used it quite a bit to write JavaScript for transforming data in Appsmith. I think it could be adapted to charts.
I am interested in pursuing in this direction to integrate plain english data analysis to baserow. I think we would send the column names to chatgpt and ask it to provide a query? is there a way to query javascript objects similar to sql?
Once we get the filtered data…I think it would be in JSON…would json2chart instantly provide the chart?
Hey @computersrmyfriends , sorry I just now saw this. Yes, you could send ChatGPT a sample of the data, and ask it to write a function that filters it, then run that function on your Baserow data and feed the output to a chart widget. I’ve done something similar here, but without the charts.