Community 2023 Roundup šŸ’«


Itā€™s been another busy year, and today letā€™s look back on all the best bits from the Baserow Community this year! Iā€™ll start by sharing some reflections, and I hope you can join me in the comments below.

Community bits that make us smileā€¦

We are truly humbled by every single community member, partner, ambassador, subscriber, and follower that we have in the Baserow community. Weā€™d like to thank each and every one of the 4,300 of you. Looking back, we know that our successes are the result of all of youā€”your questions, your feedback, your contributions, your tipsā€”we are so glad you got involved in every way with us. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A special thanks to some of this years top community contributors:

:medal_sports: @frederikdc, you posted 142 replies, assisting over 100 community members with their issues. It is impressive to see our users helping others.

:medal_sports: @marcus, you shared over 20 new feature ideas. Your efforts to improve Baserow motivate us to ship new features even faster.

:medal_sports: @Peter, you reacted 174 times with ā€˜:blue_heart:ā€™. Community reactions are important to us as they help us understand that you enjoy what we share and show support to others.

:medal_sports: @claudiobalbino, you visited the Baserow community forum for 230 days in a year. We appreciate your loyalty and hope that each visit provides you with some value.

:medal_sports: @shrey, you shared the most upvoted feature idea this year: row grouping. We value our usersā€™ feedback and we couldnā€™t let this year end without implementing this feature. (In case you missed the news, row grouping is now live).

:medal_sports: @bastien, you started the most viewed topic: Baserow vs NocoDB. 7,400 people checked it out while deciding between Baserow and NocoDB (and we hope they made the right choice!).

:medal_sports: @joseph_appsmith, you shared one of the most valuable workarounds on how to create charts for Baserow data. Meanwhile, @IndieSellersGuild also shared highly valuable tips on how to update records with a form using ZERO code. Plus, @WilliamPorterTechā€™s tips on how to create attractive PDFs using Baserow data gained a lot of traction. Thank you all for sharing your experiences to help others. Thatā€™s our favorite part of the community contributions.

Community accomplishments weā€™ll remember from 2023ā€¦

Community feedback that inspire us to do betterā€¦

Throughout the year, we conducted a few surveys to get your thoughts on your experience with the community and Baserow. Here are some important things we learned from you that we want to work on and make better in the next year:

:one: More video guides. We couldnā€™t agree more, and together with two of our ambassadors, we have already started working on video tutorials that weā€™ll soon start publishing on our YouTube channel.

:two: More practical understanding of how to use certain features. Thatā€™s also something we plan to address in 2024 by organizing webinars for newbies (the first one is scheduled for Jan 17th) and demos to show how to build advanced things with Baserow using specific features.

:three: Hackathons and events for the community to collaborate and build something together. That was a challenge for me, but the first Baserow dev hackathon is also coming early in 2024.

:snowflake: A Baserowā€™s 2023 year in review is here. :snowflake:

A heartfelt thank youā€¦

Baserow has changed a lot during 2023, but there is one thing that will never change for usā€”the value of our community. You all help make Baserow ā€œmore than just a tool.ā€ Hereā€™s to an exciting new year ahead. Together, letā€™s continue to create amazing things with the power of Baserow.

If you have any highlights from this year or feedback, share your thoughts in the comments below.

Thank you for being a part of our year, we love you all so much!

Happy holidays! :christmas_tree:


Iā€™m glad I can help to make a baserow product better :slight_smile:

:eyes: A hackathon, you say?

Giving likes is showing appreciation for the work others are doing. And there is a lot happening, some from the Baserow team, but also a lot of things users are developing and/or sharing.

Right now we are planning the first Baserow Challenge for developers to create an app for a chance to win a great prize. Looking ahead, we have also some plans to organize hackathons on various topics once we release the app builder. :slightly_smiling_face:

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